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🚧 Cortex.cpp is currently under development. Our documentation outlines the intended behavior of Cortex, which may not yet be fully implemented in the codebase.

cortex ps


This CLI command calls the following API endpoint:

This command shows the running model and its status.



You can use the --verbose flag to display more detailed output of the internal processes. To apply this flag, use the following format: cortex --verbose [subcommand].

# Stable
cortex ps [options]
# Beta
cortex-beta ps [options]
# Nightly
cortex-nightly ps [options]

For example, it returns the following table:

√ Dependencies loaded in 2882ms
√ Getting models...
√ Running PS command...
│ (index) │ modelId │ engine │ status │ duration │ ram │ vram │
│ 0 │ 'janhq/tinyllama/1b' │ 'llamacpp' │ 'running' │ '7s' │ '-' │ '-' │
√ API server is offline
## The ps command also provides information on the percentage of system resources being used.
│ (index) │ CPU Usage │ Memory Usage │ VRAM │
│ 0 │ '4.13%' │ '83.11%' │ │
│ 1 │ │ │ [ [Object], [Object] ] │


OptionDescriptionRequiredDefault valueExample
-h, --helpDisplay help information for the command.No--h