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🚧 Cortex.cpp is currently under development. Our documentation outlines the intended behavior of Cortex, which may not yet be fully implemented in the codebase.


Cortex.tensorrt-llm is a C++ inference library for NVIDIA GPUs. It submodules NVIDIA’s TensorRT-LLM for GPU accelerated inference.

In addition to TensorRT-LLM, tensorrt-llm adds:

  • Tokenizers for popular model architectures
  • Prebuilt model engines compatible with popular GPUs

TensorRT-LLM is by default bundled in Cortex.


cortex engines tensorrt-llm init

The command will check, download, and install these dependencies:

- engine.dll
- nvinfer_10.dll
- tensorrt_llm.dll
- nvinfer_plugin_tensorrt_llm.dll
- tensorrt_llm_nvrtc_wrapper.dll
- pcre2-8.dll
- Cuda 12.4
- MSBuild libraries:
- msvcp140.dll
- vcruntime140.dll
- vcruntime140_1.dll


To include tensorrt-llm in your own server implementation, follow the steps here.

Get TensorRT-LLM Models​

You can download precompiled models from the Cortex Hub on Hugging Face. These models include configurations, tokenizers, and dependencies tailored for optimal performance with this engine.


tensorrt-llm has the following Interfaces:

  • HandleChatCompletion: Processes chat completion tasks.

    void HandleChatCompletion(
    std::shared_ptr<Json::Value> json_body,
    std::function<void(Json::Value&&, Json::Value&&)>&& callback);

  • LoadModel: Loads a model based on the specifications.

    void LoadModel(
    std::shared_ptr<Json::Value> json_body,
    std::function<void(Json::Value&&, Json::Value&&)>&& callback);

  • UnloadModel: Unloads a model as specified.

    void UnloadModel(
    std::shared_ptr<Json::Value> json_body,
    std::function<void(Json::Value&&, Json::Value&&)>&& callback);

  • GetModelStatus: Retrieves the status of a model.

    void GetModelStatus(
    std::shared_ptr<Json::Value> json_body,
    std::function<void(Json::Value&&, Json::Value&&)>&& callback);

All the interfaces above contain the following parameters:

jsonBodyThe requested content is in JSON format.
callbackA function that handles the response.


These are the main components that interact to provide an API for inference tasks using the tensorrt-llm:

  1. cortex-cpp: Acts as an intermediary between cortex-js and the inference engine (tensorrt-llm). It processes incoming HTTP requests and forwards them to the appropriate components for handling. Once a response is generated, it sends it back to cortex-js.

  2. enginei: Serves as an interface for the inference engine. It defines the methods and protocols used for running inference tasks.

  3. tensorrt-llm engine: Manages the loading and unloading of models and simplifies API calls to the underlying nvidia_tensorrt-llm library. It acts as a high-level wrapper that makes it easier to interact with the core inference functionalities provided by NVIDIA's library.

  4. tokenizer: Responsible for converting input text into tokens that can be processed by the model and converting the output tokens back. Currently, only the Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) tokenizer (from the SentencePiece library) is supported.

  5. nvidia tensorrt-llm: An NVIDIA library that provides the core functionality required for performing inference tasks. It leverages NVIDIA's hardware and software optimizations to deliver high-performance inference.

Communication Protocols​

Load a Model​

The diagram above illustrates the interaction between three components: cortex-js, cortex-cpp, and tensorrt-llm when using the tensorrt-llm engine in Cortex:

  1. HTTP Request Load Model (cortex-js to cortex-cpp):

    • cortex-js sends an HTTP request to cortex-cpp to load the model.
  2. Load Engine (cortex-cpp):

    • cortex-cpp processes the request and starts by loading the engine.
  3. Load Model (cortex-cpp to tensorrt-llm):

    • cortex-cpp then sends a request to tensorrt-llm to load the model.
  4. Load Config (tensorrt-llm):

    • tensorrt-llm begins by loading the necessary configuration. This includes parameters, settings, and other essential information needed to run the model.
  5. Create Tokenizer (tensorrt-llm):

    • After loading the configuration, tensorrt-llm creates a tokenizer. The tokenizer is responsible for converting input text into tokens that the model can understand and process.
  6. Cache Chat Template (tensorrt-llm):

    • Following the creation of the tokenizer, tensorrt-llm caches a chat template.
  7. Initialize GPT Session (tensorrt-llm):

    • Finally, tensorrt-llm initializes the GPT session, setting up the necessary environment and resources required for the session.
  8. Callback (tensorrt-llm to cortex-cpp):

    • After completing the initialization, tensorrt-llm sends a callback to cortex-cpp to indicate that the model loading process is complete.
  9. HTTP Response (cortex-cpp to cortex-js):

    • cortex-cpp then sends an HTTP response back to cortex-js, indicating that the model has been successfully loaded.


The diagram above illustrates the interaction between three components: cortex-js, cortex-cpp, and tensorrt-llm when using the tensorrt-llm engine to call the chat completions endpoint with the inference option:

  1. HTTP Request Chat Completion (cortex-js to cortex-cpp):

    • cortex-js sends an HTTP request to cortex-cpp to request chat completion.
  2. Request Chat Completion (cortex-cpp to tensorrt-llm):

    • cortex-cpp processes the request and forwards it to tensorrt-llm to handle the chat completion.
  3. Apply Chat Template (tensorrt-llm):

    • tensorrt-llm starts by applying the chat template to the incoming request.
  4. Encode (tensorrt-llm):

    • The next step involves encoding the input data.
  5. Set Sampling Config (tensorrt-llm):

    • After encoding, the sampling configuration is set. This configuration might include parameters that control the generation process, such as temperature and top-k sampling.
  6. Create Generation Input/Output (tensorrt-llm):

    • tensorrt-llm then creates the generation input and output structures. These structures are used to manage the data flowing in and out of the model during generation.
  7. Copy New Token from GPU (tensorrt-llm):

    • During the generation process, new tokens are copied from the GPU as they are generated.
  8. Decode New Token (tensorrt-llm):

    • The newly generated tokens are then decoded back.
  9. Callback (tensorrt-llm to cortex-cpp):

    • After processing the request, tensorrt-llm sends a callback to cortex-cpp indicating that the chat completion process is done.
  10. HTTP Stream Response (cortex-cpp to cortex-js):

    • cortex-cpp streams the response back to cortex-js, which waits for the completion of the process.

Code Structure​

tensorrt-llm # Forks from nvidia tensorrt-llm repository
|__ ...
| |_ ...
| |__ tensorrt-llm
| | |__cortex.tensorrt-llm
| | β”œβ”€β”€ base # Engine interface definition
| | | └── cortex-common # Common interfaces used for all engines
| | | └── enginei.h # Define abstract classes and interface methods for engines
| | β”œβ”€β”€ examples # Server example to integrate engine
β”‚ | | └── # Example server demonstrating engine integratio
| | β”œβ”€β”€ src # Source implementation for tensorrt-llm engine
| | β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€ chat_completion_request.h # OpenAI compatible request handling
β”‚ | | β”œβ”€β”€ tensorrt-llm_engine.h # Implementation tensorrt-llm engine of model loading and inference
| | | β”œβ”€β”€
| | β”œβ”€β”€ third-party # Dependencies of the tensorrt-llm project
| | └── (list of third-party dependencies)
| |__ ...
|__ ...